Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen


We can fly like a bird or suddenly find ourselves naked in front of our boss: some of the things we experience in our sleep are just strange. With a few simple tricks, dreams can be experienced consciously – and even controlled.

A survey conducted by Harvard University in the United States found that 44 percent of working adults say that their work affects their health. In Germany, Techniker Krankenkasse conducted a survey which revealed that 64 percent of Germans suffer from stress at least occasionally and 26 percent report that they suffer from stress frequently.

Some pills consist only of sugar and starch – and can still make you healthy. How can the placebo effect be explained? Researchers suspect that the body heals itself in many cases of illness.

What happens in my body during withdrawal? How long does it take my head to get clean? Is there a vaccination against drugs? Toxicologists, psychologists and doctors explain why our brain poisons itself and what the consequences are when we go to war against addiction.

Poisonings are among the greatest dangers our organism can be exposed to. Different toxins affect different parts of the body and often the dosage determines life or death.

Ready-to-eat products have a dubious reputation because they often contain MSG. Experts even call the popular flavor enhancer a neurotoxin.

A hard-hitting truth: There is still a general lack of knowledge about the long-term effects of traumatic brain injury – especially in the professional league of American football. This is what makes CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) so dangerous.

Botox can do more than just smooth out wrinkles on the face. It is now used by doctors as a remedy for excessive sweating or migraines. Researchers have discovered that the often controversial drug can also alleviate negative feelings and anxiety.

The acronym ASMR refers to specific sounds that many perceive as calming and pleasant. Some people even report states of trance or a tingling sensation in the head when exposed to ASMR sounds. What the hype about soothing sounds on social media is all about.

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